Over the last few days our site has become crowded with knights. Maria tells me I worry too much, but I talked to Norman who tells me that on some sites there is nearly one knight for every three citizens.

What’s more, a young captain arrived today. This captain is the first of the knights to tell us anything about their migration to the west. At a congregation in front of the whole site, he announced Genzak’s ultimatum to the Vaukry kingdom.

Genzak has issued a warning to Vashti not to expand any further west, lest they encroach on Genzak territory. This is nothing more than a new issue to gripe about, to fuel the historic flames of hatred between Vashti and Genzak. Before we settled it, the west belonged to no one. I for one don’t believe Genzak has taken an overnight interest in colonizing eastward, so I don’t see the land dispute.

On a map, our site is located dead center between the two nations, more toward the Genzak side of it, meaning that the Genzaks are invaluable trade partners. Their tools and supplies and far better and far cheaper respectably, so Erickson is royally upset about having to leave his usual merchants to pay for overly expensive Vashti tools and supplies.

Tonight was a pub night because Maria sang again. Her voice is wonderful. At the pub I met a man who I had never seen on the site before. His name is Marcus and he is a traveling Genzak merchant. He and I talked for a long time, over many drinks. We spoke of politics, women, and the sword, something he was very forward in wanting to teach me.

With a few drinks under my belt, he took me outside and showed me some techniques. I don’t remember much of it, but I do remember his words under the humid lantern-light. “You remind me of myself as a lad. My convoy will be here for another fortnight at least. Humor an old fool and let me teach you more.” I think I agreed.

I like Marcus. He makes me feel grown up. Politics, women, and the sword, is this what it feels like to be a man?

-Gerrik of Vashti

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